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13 Reasons Why You Should Update Your Website

Are you in love with your site? 

You shouldn’t even keep reading this article if the answer is no or not. Just go and visit our contact page and tell us what you like, we’re going to start building a website you’ve always wanted. A website you will be proud to share online, welcoming prospects to browse through. A website that will help you attract more customers and promote your service. If not, what’s the point of keeping this powerful marketing tool, investing time and effort in it if it doesn’t help the company grow and thrive?
Long gone are the days when only having a blog was enough. These days, consumers are much more educated and picky, with all the information available, and so many brands and companies competing for their interest. Therefore, keeping your website new and compliant with recent design trends, technological advances and search engine algorithms (if you care about SEO) is imperative.
Not sure if you need a makeover on your current website? Check the following 13 reasons why you may need an update of your website (listed in no specific order).

1. Security

Did you know at least three times a day, hackers are trying to hack your website site? That’s a terrifying reality, but quite real. For this reason, keeping the website and its CMS up-to-date is critical. For the standard website, they suggest a complete update every three years and a security check every three months. Nonetheless, you can review your website on a monthly basis for e-commerce websites.
If your site gets compromised, search engines and users can flood it with viruses (which you distribute to your customers) and ban it. Recovery from a hack attempt can sometimes take a lot of time, and your customers and website visitors will definitely lose confidence.

2. Outdated Theme & Technologies

This changes the quality of your website visitors. When it comes to usability, “Old school is great” does not matter. The Internet and the digital world change and evolve constantly. Every year, web standards shift, dictating new tools and technologies to create a good website. The expectations and tastes of your potential customers change much quicker. Maybe not today, what was hot yesterday. You need to be agile with your approach and website when you want your business to succeed.
If you’ve designed your website over two years ago, in terms of looks and usability, it’s most definitely far behind. It is likely to have obsolete software that can slow down its loading speed or react to it on different devices (if it is at all mobile friendly). It may not be compliant with some of the most recent popular browsers. And I assure you technology-wise, since 2 – 3 years ago many domain and design vendors had significantly improved their services and offer better tools to build and maintain the website just as we did 1, 5 years ago when we added our drag & fall adjustable frames to our page builder.
The bottom line here, if you’ve been developing your page for a while, start looking for ideas and a fresh design for website design.

3.Look More Professional

It may be a cliche, but the fact that your website is your online shop window is still real. Potential customers are looking for what you’re offering. They look all year round 24/7. If your website makes you look like a bunch of amateurs, customers will just avoid you; but if you look online professional, they’re much more likely to stop a while and maybe even send in that all-important inquiry.
CLUE: maybe it’s time to take some professional pictures and get a copywriter to rewrite the website’s text? Or redesign your website

4. Get More Social

Use your website to integrate your social media activity correctly. You’re mistaken if you think that’s just slapping on a Twitter and Facebook feed. You have to be smarter than that, since your clients are likely to be.
If your website is not friendly enough, the best opportunity to draw them will be lacking. Good social media use can help keep your website updated, boost your SEO, connect with your future and existing customers and give you great opportunities to improve customer service.
Must we really say more? Call us today if you really want to find out how to incorporate social media more efficiently into your website.
CLUE : wisely select your social media consultant; most of them dressed up as amateurs. Look below the surface: Has anybody ever used them? If so, are they pleased to recommend this consultant? Could they show measurable outcomes to you?

5. Does Your Website Load Slow?

Look for less than 5 seconds of loading time. If you’re not sure how quickly your page can load, use tools like Pingdom or GTmetrix to check how long your site will take to load, and which files will cause problems. Poor results might mean you’ve got to do some work. A number of reasons can create slow loading speed: heavy unoptimized files, underpowered hosting, and even an old, poorly performing theme.

6. Google had changed its search algorithm.

The discovery and distribution of data by Google (and other search engines as well) has been dramatically altered. No longer are all the “tricks” in search engine optimization (SEO) that worked only a few months earlier.
No one will be able to find you if your website is designed and written to comply with the new search “rules.” Not on the list of Google’s first page. It may not be anywhere.
The updated website will also include features such as page title tags, meta descriptions, correctly balanced keywords, and other searchable features when properly constructed. It’s undoubtedly time to work on your SEO if your website is more than three years old.

7. Your Bounce Rate is High

That’s very important. If you’ve been pouring your heart and time into SEO and a marketing strategy, going to bring a lot of traffic to your website, but the second they’re getting to your homepage (or any other page), they’re bouncing off it–you’re having a problem. You lose leads and potential customers.
A high bounce rate shows you are doing something wrong on your website, either with content, navigation, or overall look and feel. A bounce rate of 40-60% is considered to be OK on average (this varies based on your business sector).
You can use Google Analytics to check your bounce rate. Sign in and go to Acquisition > > Overview tab.

8. More Clients

Do you want more customers? Are you wondering why not create inquiries from your website? It might be high time you looked at your website. First, get a business-savvy web designer to give a design audit immediately to your site. So act quickly before they get out of date with their suggestions. Nowadays, almost everything has an expiry date on it, so why would there be any other good ideas? In our experience, a website under performs for one of two main reasons. Whether they need intensive care or they do use it. It’s often a combination of both things, so get cracked and quickly find the answers.
CLUE: What are your tangible targets for your website? You put some of them, haven’t you?

9. Customer Care

Companies that didn’t know how their customers felt about their goods or services could thrive in the past. Some have even flourished. Luckily, those days are already gone. The power balance has shifted from the seller to where it should be: to the buyers ‘ eyes. The Internet has enabled this process, and the advent of social media has boosted it. When you care about the views of your customers, your website may be your biggest asset. Give them access to you both through your website and by telephone, and you could create a multitude of possibilities for your business to help your customers. Prior to and following the sale. Don’t forget to add your contact points for social media as well. Not everybody wants to send an email or get a phone.
CLUE: get an unbiased person from your website to try and get in touch with you.

10. Do I need Call to Actions?

Of course, you need that. And this is not just a button or link that has been added here and there. You need CTA to keep the interest of your user and offer them to see more content on your site; it has to be strategically placed. The concept is to guide visitors to your Greatest Work gallery, then to your contact form, through your content. If you’re currently a website that’s restricted in CTAs (Call to Actions) and doesn’t allow a lot of flexibility–it’s time to get something more versatile and efficient for your business funnel and development.
For example, look at all the buttons, quick links, CTAs (let’s stay connected, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.) spread across Our Services page. It just feels natural to click through, explore more about our services, right?
Never leave visitors to your site wondering what to do next. They’ll leave and never return if it’s not subtle or intuitive. And that’s a lost lead, sadly.

11. All those Cool Apps & Integrations

An old outdated website may not keep up with all the available new features, plugins and integrations.

12. Mobile Friendly

I hope that’s not the case, but if you don’t have a nice mobile website yet–get to contact now! You still need to keep up with the latest trends even if you have a reactive or adaptive model. New themes include modern css code that makes it possible for your site to adapt to any phone. These also allow you to cover those mobile page blocks for a faster loading speed and a more friendly user experience.
Remember that more than 60% of traffic on the website is now via mobile devices. You can be sure that at some point your users will see your site on a mobile device. It is even more likely that if they check you out via Facebook or Instagram, it will be the first contact they have with your page.
In reality, go ahead right now and check the stats of your website. You can do that through Google Webmaster Tools ‘ Google Analytics. Are you convinced now? Mobile is important, and in the next few years, it won’t go away. With a poorly performing mobile site, don’t leave money on the table, it’s one of those critical business aspects you can’t ignore.

13. The purpose of your website has changed.

If your marketing strategy has changed, your website may need to be updated to match the new approach. For example, your goal may have been to sell products when you built your website. Now, maybe your goal is to boost repeat business. You may want to adjust your website navigation and content to suit your goals in order to keep your website relevant.

How can we help you

The purpose of this article was not to persuade you to upgrade your website just for changing purposes. While redesigning a website is an important and demanding process that requires a certain amount of time and effort–think about why you first got a website. Promoting your work, helping clients get to know you as a brand and creative personality, and getting them excited about working with you!
In each of our services, we put a lot of effort and experience. CMS Web Design & Development, Website maintenance, eCommerce Solutions and eCommerce Support are our core expertise. We want you to be successful! And we’re here to support you through the process so direct you. Book a call with us or give us an email, and we’ll help you get the most out of your website and branding. Please visit Alcinder Tech
